Thursday, July 24, 2014

"SMART Exemplary Educator" SEE Summit, Calgary, Canada 2014 run by Deena Zenyk and Heather Lamb.  The most amazing professional experience of my life has been attending this summit for a second time!  The summit keeps attendees engaged from sunup to sundown with so many mind-blowing experiences.  Often, I fall into bed, mind filled and happy, and then sleep like a rock. Then, I get up the next day excited to do it all over again. The list would include; meeting likeminded (SMARTee’s) from around the globe, meeting with product developers to ask and answer questions about our SMART Experiences, learning about new products and best uses in the classroom, participating in online challenges connected to the conference, (taking a picture or two with the SMART headquarters sign), seeing our fellow SEE’s present information about Global Collaboration, and so much more.
One of the most moving experiences, which brought me to tears, was when Warren Barkley (CTO) of SMART Tech participated with the SEE’s in the Hotel lobby during a "live twitter chat" (#smartee); he learned from one of the twitter questions that one of the attendee’s from South Africa did not have Wi-Fi in her school.  He made a promise on the spot to rectify that issue for her school.  One word, AMAZING!
Words do not exist that will do justice to the SMART SEE Summit.  The event encompassed 76 extraordinary SMART Exemplary Educators from around the world converging on the SMART Tech headquarters for creative collaboration with the only company I have ever known who want to talk directly with the customers about making their experiences better and celebrating educators who do great things with technology.  Thank you SMART Tech!

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